(08) 9431 2111 Find Us

Our Organisation

Our Vision

To help build a community where people with a range of abilities, personalities and capacities engage, interact and contribute at work, at home and socially. We see our community through a different lens and are walking towards a world where, when it comes to autism, there is no box to think outside of. A world where diversity is so ‘normal’, it’s unremarkable.

Our Mission

To provide unique quality opportunities for people on the autism spectrum to develop and display their strengths, capacity and contributions to the world around them.

Our Organisation

Spectrum Space is a bold, innovative community organisation tearing down social barriers for autistic people. Together we engage, challenge, inform, develop and expand new skills – and create exciting opportunities for corporates and the community to join in. We run highly successful social programs as well as provide training and education to a wide variety of sectors including employers, educators and government agencies. If you have NDIS funding you can use it to access our services. To find out more please click here.

Spectrum Space runs a variety of events throughout the year, including the annual Spectrum Space Symposium, the must-attend event for anyone with an interest in autism. To find out more about our events click here.

Every partnership, donation and volunteer helps us open doors for people to explore and celebrate new frontiers. We partner with organisations from a wide range of sectors, have volunteers and interns from all walks of life and enjoy incredible support from individuals in the community. To find out more about becoming a partner, volunteer, intern and donor, please visit the links provided.

Our History

Spectrum Space, formerly known as Autism West and FOCAS Incorporated (Focus on Children within the Autism Spectrum), was formed in 2001. The group aimed to support families and raise funds for resources to support Early Intervention Therapy. Over our long history, Spectrum Space has been in the business of boldly breaking down barriers and dismissing boundaries.

For a full history of Spectrum Space click here.

Our Strategy

To make a difference in the lives of more and more people in our community by expanding our social programs reach to include more areas of metropolitan Perth and regional Western Australia.

To drive a cultural shift in how the wider community perceives autism through training and education in partnership with employers, government agencies, educational institutions and community groups.

To continue striving for equity and diversity and to celebrate the unique strengths, skills and contributions that autistic people make in our community.

To continue to seek partnerships with local and national research institutions to validate service approaches and use evidence based practice.

Spectrum Space Strategy

Spectrum Space Constitution

Annual Reports

Our annual reports can be found here.