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Social Program FAQs

How do your social programs work?

Our Social Programs are developed, planned, and facilitated with active involvement of program members and Spectrum Space staff and volunteers. Together, we identify interests and establish goals, planning how to achieve these together. Members then discuss and plan future sessions, which can include incursions, community outings, special guests, and special interest projects.

What can I expect to achieve?

Using a strengths-based approach centred around special interest projects and diverse social programs, our overall aim is to engage and motivate participants and build feelings of self-worth. Together, we identify interests and establish goals and plan how to achieve these together. Goals might include:

  • Developing social skills
  • Specific skills development, for example coding, film making, robotics, cooking, art, digital media
  • Using technology
  • Building friendships
  • Developing leadership skills
  • Becoming a youth/autism advocate
  • Building resilience
  • Participating in community activities
  • Having fun!
I’m worried my child won’t fit in.

We aim to have a diverse mix of participants in all our programs to ensure everyone feels welcome. In the event of any challenges, our experienced staff and management are here to help.

Are the programs therapy based?

No, we are a community organisation delivering opportunities for social interaction and skill development through the activities offered. We use a strengths-based approach to concentrate on the inherent strengths an individual has with the goal to focus on the positive.

Can I use an NDIS plan to pay for the program?

Yes! You can access our services whether you are registered with the NDIS or not. Contact us with any questions or find out more information in our Handy Tips for Your NDIS Plan.

I’m not sure if a social program will work for me/my child. Is there a trial period?

We offer one free trial in the program you’re interested in so you can see how it all works! Contact us for more information.

How do I enrol?

Please click here to submit an expression of interest. We will then get in touch with you to enrol.

I have more questions!

Please contact us on info@spectrumspace.org.au or 08 9431 2111 and we can have a chat.